Sunday, February 27, 2011



Price : RM100
What's inside:
1) 20 pieces diapers
2) 1 receiving blanket
3) 1 napkin
4) 1 gorgeous hat
5) 3 toys
6) 1 pair shoe
7) 1 mini bear

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Price : RM40

What's inside:
1) 10 pieces diapers
2) 1 napkin
3) 1 toy
4) 1 bib
5) 1 wipes
6) 1 little bear

Green Octopus

Price : RM100

What's inside:
1) 19 pieces diapers
2) 1 pair shoes
3) 3 toys
4) 1 bib
5) 1 napkin
6) 1 receiving blanket

Friday, February 25, 2011

Pinky Love

Price : RM50

What's inside:
1) 15 pieces diapers
2) 1 napkin
3) 1 toy
4) 1 wipes
5) 1 little bear
6) 1 bib

Mommy New Man

Price : RM70

What's inside:-
1)19 pieces diapers
2) 1 receiving blanket
3) 1 napkin
4) 2 toys
5) 1 wipes
6)1 little bear
7) 1 bib

Medela Freestyle Pump

Dear All,

Keep viewing this blog frequently since I will be selling Medela Freestyle Breastpump at the cheapest price in town soon!!